Paintings created at Paint Out Cambridge 2019
Paint Out Cambridge took place 13-17 May in partnership with Cheffins Fine Art. 30 experienced plein air artists used to working on the streets painted Cambridge’s classic colleges, chapels and beautiful bridges, punts on the River Cam, Market Square and other views. Three painting days, eight sessions, day and evening, all en plein air! Read about the Prize-winning artworks here.

Susanna Field, 'Not Quite a Nocturne - King's', King's Parade, Mixed Media, 23x21cm, FOR SALE, £100
Artist Susanna Field, 'Not Quite a Nocturne - King's', King's Parade, Mixed Media, 23x21cm, £100. Paint Out Cambridge 2019. First Prize in Watercolour & Mixed Media

Andrew Horrod, 'St John's Tower & Portugal Street', Portugal Street, Jesus Green, Acrylic, 40x40cm, SOLD, £490
Artist Andrew Horrod, 'St John's Tower & Portugal Street', Portugal Street, Jesus Green, Acrylic, 40x40cm, £490 SOLD. Paint Out Cambridge 2019. First Prize in Acrylics

Sarah Allbrook, 'View From Garrett Hostel Bridge', Cambridge Backs, Oil, 40x30cm, SOLD, £300
Paint Out Cambridge 2019 Judge's Commendation

David Wood, 'Passion for Period Style, Westcott House', Jesus Lane, Cambridge, Watercolour, 35x23cm, FOR SALE, £460href='' target='_blank'>FOR SALE, £460
Artist David Wood, 'Passion for Period Style, Westcott House', Jesus Lane, Cambridge, Watercolour, 35x23cm, £460. Paint Out Cambridge 2019 Judge's Commendation

Stephen Johnston, 'View from Master's Garden (Trinity)', Kitchen Bridge, St John's College, Oil, 20x16in, FOR SALE, £380
Artist Stephen Johnston, 'View from Master's Garden (Trinity)', Kitchen Bridge, St John's College, Oil, 20x16in, £380. Paint Out Cambridge 2019 Judge's Commendation

Robert Nelmes, 'Gonville & Caius', Kings Parade, Oil, 35x28cm, SOLD, £350
Artist Robert Nelmes, 'Gonville & Caius', Kings Parade, Oil, 35x28cm, £350 (SOLD). Paint Out Cambridge 2019. First Prize in Oils